Monday, August 8, 2011

Grilling with charcoal is bad for your health?

!±8± Grilling with charcoal is bad for your health?

Developed long before gas grills and propane, and far back in history were man has ever cooked over an open fire. Initially it was wooden, but then we started using coal briquettes in our grills. But how safe is coal grill?

Apart from the obvious problems, such as carbon monoxide, you should never be your barbecue indoors or in enclosed spaces, there are health risks from particulate matter, which would be released from coal? It isSmoking is bad for your health and the environment?

Wood and coal burning dirty - which means that small particles of soot that you can let go of a danger for people with heart and lung problems. This soot is bad for the environment. The other side effect of using wood or charcoal grills can produce two types of carcinogens is - PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or) and HCA (heterocyclic amines).

According to the IPA ACS (American Cancer Society), arise when the fatdrops of meat on charcoal briquettes. This increases with smoking and can be deposited on the food. PAHs can also form directly on the food as it is charred.

To add an item "Also HCA can quote as roast beef and fried pork, fish and foul, not just grilled meat. In fact, the National Cancer Institute researchers have 17 different HCAs that is identified by the cooking of meat and muscle can provide the risk of human cancer. Studies have also shown an increased riskColorectal, pancreatic and breast cancer with high intake of well done, fried or grilled meat are linked. ".

In Canada, coal briquettes as a dangerous product, and now falls within the HPA (Hazardous Products Act), which means that coal briquettes in bags that are advertised, imported or sold in Canada must have a label warning against the risks potential of the product on display.

While there are dangers associated with charcoal grills may be in combination, is an alternative to the use of naturalCoal.

Noram de Mexico, Sierra Madre is a 100% of charcoal of oak that does not include coal, oil, lime or other additives gates. This product is also used by the SmartWood Program of Rainforest Alliance certified as sustainably harvested. There are other producers of natural charcoal, as Green Link and Lazzari. Their products can be found at points of natural food in North America to find.

Although there is extensive research has found health risks associated with coalGrilling, because many people are aware about their health and better protection of the environment is better products, health risks to reduce the use.

Grilling with charcoal is bad for your health?

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